Future Fans

Drivesome's Target market

We believe there are 3 groups of car people that Drivesome will attract. We call them the 3Ds. The Drivers, The Dreamers, and The Daily's. These 3 groups are our target markets. Our growth strategy uses each group in stages to provide value for the next group.

1st The Drivers – These are true car lovers they are not just fanatical about one car. Drivers also love to drive and respect car culture.

  • Our Foundation - Getting the drivers on the platform will bring quality knowledge and information. The Drivesome platform is based on acknowledgment and rewards. Drivers love to show off what they know about cars and love to brag. We will establish a quality automotive community with realistic car content, facts, help, and information.

2nd The Dreamer –This is our broadest market. It is designed for ages 10 to 80. The Dreamers love cars and being involved in the culture. The Dreamers might not have the spec sheet of the new M5 memorized, and they probably follow SuperCar Blondie and Stradman.

  • This is our content - dreamers will get involved in the platform regularly raising questions and starting conversations. Drivesome will focus on providing a great UX based on their use. They will spend the most time on the platform. They will help to guide Drivesome into the Web3 world and create the Drivesome Metaverse.

3rd The Daily's– These drivers are the largest and hardest market to crack in automotive. They don’t care too much about cars or car culture, but they all own cars or are looking to own a car. So, they need information.

  • Our justification – dreamers and drivers deliver knowledge, information, and expertise. The Daily's are the ones that need it, they might not stay, but they will be able to easily source the information needed. We want Drivesome to be their trusted name for automotive information. When a Daily needs to know how to put air in the tyres, we want to be their go-to. We want to be the first stop for info on buying a new car instead of that "car guy" friend.

Last updated